Blogs — Menstrual Cup

Effective & Natural Cramp Relief Solutions: Buy Cramp Relief Roll-On online from Dr. Amgenic

cramp relief roll on Dr Amgenic healthcare healthcare tips healthy ageing Menstrual Cup PCOS PCOS treatment self-diagnosis

Effective & Natural Cramp Relief Solutions: Buy Cramp Relief Roll-On online from Dr. Amgenic

For many women, dealing with menstruation pains is a monthly battle. Discomfort and pain can interfere with everyday tasks and cause unnecessary stress. Dr Amgenic’s Cramp Relief Roll-On comes in as a natural and effective treatment in this situation. In this blog article, we’ll look at the roll-on’s unique formulation, highlighting vital components such as Chandan oil, thymol, camphor, and curcumin oil and know why it’s the first pick for female cramp relief roll-on online buy. Understanding Menstrual Cramps Before we go into the solution, let’s first define menstruation cramps. They are caused by uterine muscular contractions, which are often...

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Why is the Menstrual Cup Still Taboo In India?

Menstrual Cup

Why is the Menstrual Cup Still Taboo In India?

Menstrual cups are a well-liked substitute for customary period supplies like pads and tampons. Despite their many benefits, however, menstrual cups remain taboo in many parts of the world, including India. In this article, we will explore why the menstrual cup is still taboo in India and what can be done to break the stigma. Taboos are cultural or social norms that prohibit certain behaviors or practices. In Indian culture, menstruation has long been associated with shame and impurity. This has led to many taboos around menstruation, including restrictions on women's movements, diets, and clothing during their periods. The history...

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Breaking the Stigma: Why Menstrual Cups are the Future of Period Care?

Menstrual Cup

Breaking the Stigma: Why Menstrual Cups are the Future of Period Care?

For decades, women have been using traditional period care options such as pads and tampons. However, there is a new alternative that is gaining popularity among women: menstrual cups. Menstrual cups are a small, flexible, and reusable cup-shaped device that is inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual blood. In this blog, we will explore why menstrual cups are the future of period care. Despite menstruation being a natural bodily process, it is still surrounded by a societal stigma. Periods have been viewed as taboo and shameful, leading to a lack of education and openness about the topic. This stigma...

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