Breaking the Stigma: Why Menstrual Cups are the Future of Period Care?

Menstrual Cup

For decades, women have been using traditional period care options such as pads and tampons. However, there is a new alternative that is gaining popularity among women: menstrual cups. Menstrual cups are a small, flexible, and reusable cup-shaped device that is inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual blood. In this blog, we will explore why menstrual cups are the future of period care.

Despite menstruation being a natural bodily process, it is still surrounded by a societal stigma. Periods have been viewed as taboo and shameful, leading to a lack of education and openness about the topic. This stigma has also affected period care options, with many traditional products being designed to conceal and dispose of menstrual blood discreetly. As a result, menstrual cups, which require users to engage more directly with their menstrual blood, have not been widely adopted.

However, there is a growing need for a shift in attitudes towards periods. By normalizing menstruation and promoting open conversations, we can break down the stigma surrounding periods and encourage more sustainable and healthy period care options like menstrual cups.

What are menstrual cups?

Menstrual cups are a small, bell-shaped device made of medical-grade silicone, rubber, or latex that are inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual blood. They work by creating a seal around the vaginal walls, which prevents leakage. Menstrual cups come in different sizes, and the appropriate size is determined by factors such as age, vaginal tone, and menstrual flow. 

How Menstrual Cups Work?

Menstrual cups work by creating a seal around the vaginal walls, which collects menstrual blood as it flows out of the cervix. When inserted correctly, the menstrual cup sits low in the vaginal canal, and the rim creates a seal around the vaginal walls. This seal prevents any menstrual fluid from leaking out, allowing the menstrual cup to collect the blood until it is removed for emptying. Menstrual cups can hold more blood than traditional period care options, which means they can be worn for longer periods of time.

Advantages of using menstrual cups:

  • Cost-effective in the long run.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • No risk of toxic shock syndrome (TSS).
  • Can be worn for up to 12 hours.
  • Low maintenance and easy to clean.

Future of Period Care

Period care is important because it allows individuals to manage their menstrual flow in a way that is safe, comfortable, and hygienic. Sanitary pads and tampons have been the traditional options for period care for decades, but they can be expensive, wasteful, and potentially harmful to the environment and to individual health. Menstrual cups provide a more sustainable and cost-effective alternative that is also more comfortable and convenient for many people. By using menstrual cups, individuals can save money, reduce waste, and have a more positive period experience overall.

Environmental impact

Traditional period care options such as pads and tampons are not environmentally friendly, as they contribute to waste and take years to decompose. Menstrual cups, on the other hand, are reusable and do not create any waste. By using menstrual cups, individuals can significantly reduce their environmental impact.

Financial benefits

The cost of traditional period care options can add up quickly, especially when considering the lifetime costs of using these products. Menstrual cups, while more expensive upfront, can save money in the long run as they can be used for years. According to some reports, an average person can save up to $1,800 over 10 years by switching to menstrual cups.

Health benefits

Traditional period care options such as pads and tampons carry the risk of TSS, a rare but life-threatening bacterial infection. Menstrual cups, however, do not pose this risk. Additionally, menstrual cups do not contain any harmful chemicals, fragrances, or dyes that can irritate the skin or cause allergic reactions.

Overcoming common concerns

There are some common concerns associated with using menstrual cups, including discomfort, hygiene, and difficulty of use. However, these concerns can be addressed with proper education and resources. For example, some individuals may need to experiment with different cup sizes or folding techniques to find the most comfortable fit. Maintaining proper hygiene is also essential, and menstrual cups can be sterilized in boiling water or using sterilizing solutions.

How To Use A Menstrual Cup?

To use a menstrual cup, first, wash your hands thoroughly. 

Step 1: Fold the cup in a way that is comfortable for you. There are several folding techniques to choose from, including the C-fold and the punch-down fold. 

Step 2: Insert the folded cup into your vagina, making sure to aim it towards your tailbone. Once the cup is in place, use your finger to make sure it has opened fully and created a seal around the vaginal walls. 

Step 3: 

To remove the cup, gently pull the stem until you can reach the base of the cup. Pinch the base of the cup and release the seal so you can gently pull it out. 

Step 4: 

Empty the contents into the toilet or sink, rinse the cup with warm water, and reinsert it as needed.


In conclusion, menstrual cups offer many benefits over traditional period care options. They are cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and can offer potential health benefits. However, the stigma surrounding periods must be broken down to encourage the more widespread adoption of menstrual cups. By promoting open conversations and educating individuals about the benefits of menstrual cups, we can work towards a future where sustainable and healthy period care is the norm.


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- Pankaj Rai.

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