Debunking 7 Common Myths About Menstrual Cups

Menstrual cups are a non-hormonal, safe, and eco-friendly alternative to pads and tampons. But like any other menstrual product, there's a ton of misinformation about them floating around. We've tackled the most common myths below to make your decision easier. 

We may not like to talk about periods that much, but it doesn't mean we should ignore them just because they are taboo topics. Due to some misinformation and myths, some people are constantly asking experts about how to use a menstrual cup or how to insert a menstrual cup and choose the perfect menstrual cup size. These questions are normal, but some people unnecessarily worry about menstrual cup side effects, and they ask the experts why menstrual cups are bad. 

If you're considering switching to using a menstrual cup, you might have heard some myths about them. Here we dispel the most common ones.

Myth #1. Menstrual cups are unsanitary 

This is one of the most common misconceptions about menstrual cups. When used and cleaned properly, menstrual cups are more sanitary than other menstrual products like pads and tampons. This is because they create a barrier between your body and potential outside contaminants. 

Myth #2. Menstrual cups are uncomfortable 

Another common myth about menstrual cups is that they are uncomfortable to use. However, most people who have tried them report that they are very comfortable once you get used to them. This is because they are made from soft, flexible materials that conform to your body. 

Myth #3. Menstrual cups will leak 

Leakage is a common concern with any menstrual product, but it is especially a worry with cups since they are worn inside the body. However, if you choose the right size cup and insert it correctly, you should not have any problems with leakage. There are even some brands that make leak-proof cups! 

Myth #4. Menstrual cups are messy 

Again, this myth likely stems from the fact that menstrual cups are worn inside the body. However, if you empty and regularly clean your cup, there should be no mess. Many people find that using a cup helps to keep their period mess-free! 

Myth #5. Menstrual cups are hard to use 

While it may take a little practice to get used to menstrual cups, it is not that hard. Initially, it seems hard for most women to use them, but after you read out all the details about menstrual cups and how to use a menstrual cup, then you will become familiar with them. There are many genuine menstrual cup manufacturers and sellers who provide a complete guide in the form of a user manual to the users so that any new user can easily make use of it. 

Myth #6. Menstrual cups are expensive 

Cost is important to consider when you buy anything; the same applies to menstrual cup-buying customers. The ones who have never used menstrual cups think they are expensive. However, it is not the real truth about menstrual cups. Some of the best menstrual cups in India are not cheap but genuine and affordable. There are so many options available in the market, but you can choose the one according to your affordability. Always remember one thing, you should avoid falling for the cheap one and buy the quality product with the best affordable pricing. 

Myth #7. It gets lost in your body

Some people think that menstrual cups can go inside your body, and it will become hard for you to figure out where it has gone. However, it is a myth about menstrual cups, and the reality is completely different. The answer is no if you're wondering whether a menstrual cup can get lost inside your body. The cup sits low in the vaginal canal, and the cervix (the opening to the uterus) blocks the cup from going any farther.


There are several reasons why using a menstrual cup during your menstrual cycle is important. For one, it can help reduce the amount of waste you produce during your period. Secondly, it can help to keep you more comfortable during your period by reducing the amount of leakage that can occur. Finally, it can also help to save you money in the long run as you will not need to purchase as many pads or tampons.

By Pankaj Rai

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