How to Choose The Best Anti-decubitus Air Mattress

air mattress Dr Amgenic healthcare healthy ageing senior citizen

What is decubitus?

A decubitus ulcer, also known as a pressure ulcer, bed sore, or pressure sore, is an open wound on the skin. A decubitus ulcer develops when the pressure of the body's weight is against a firm surface, such as a bed or wheelchair. An Anti-decubitus air mattress is the safest choice for the patient who spends most of their day in bed in case of injury or illness. 

The skin's blood supply is cut off on a regular mattress, causing tissue cells to get injured. The skin is frequently red or somewhat discolored when it first appears. The skin eventually breaks down, and the tissue dies if the pressure isn't alleviated. 

The following are the most prevalent locations for a decubitus ulcer are on the skin that covers bony regions such as:

  • Ankles
  • Buttocks
  • Back
  • Hips 
  • Elbows 

Who's at risk of developing decubitus?

Older people or any person with limited mobility are more likely to develop this illness. Infections can spread to the blood, heart, and bones, posing a severe threat to one's life if left untreated. 

Who's at the risk of developing decubitus ulcers.

  • Is confined to bed due to surgery, sickness or any physical disability
  • Is unable to move or change positions when lying in bed or a wheelchair 
  • Old age leads to lesser mobility, as elderly persons are more prone to have weak skin and mobility problems
  • You're obese and move less often
  • You don't get enough nutrients in your diet, which might affect your skin's condition
  • You have urine or bowel incontinence

What are the stages of decubitus ulcers?

Decubitus ulcers are divided into stages. If you're seeking medical help from a healthcare provider, they also use a staging system to diagnose and treat you.

Stage I: The Skin is discolored but not damaged at this stage. Red markings are more common in those with light complexions. Blue or purple discoloration is common among people with dark skin. The discoloration is white in some persons.

Stage II: The skin breaks open, the ulcer is shallow, and the wound bed is reddish or pinkish. Tissue death or a fluid-filled blister may occur surrounding the wound.

Stage III: The skin ulcer has grown deeper, impacting the fat layer and resembling a crater. Pus could be present in the wound.

Stage IV: The ulcer has spread to deeper muscle or bone layers. Inside the ulcer, a dark substance may be called "eschar."

Unstageable: Unstageable ulcers are yellow or green. It could be covered in a brown scab or be squishy and pus-filled. The body's natural safeguard is a dry and stable ulcer surface, which should be allowed to heal. However, if there is significant tissue damage, the covering may need to be removed for therapy. 

However, if one manages to prevent the initial stage of developing ulcers, then the rest of the stages are nothing to worry about. Also, not ignoring the symptoms of feeling discomfort and facing irregular sleeping patterns because of pressure pains. Medical air mattresses have alternate pressure points in which a patient never faces pressure for an extended period on any body surface. 

How to prevent decubitus ulcers?

Moving around often to reduce constant pressure against your body, redistribute your body weight, and improve blood flow to the tissues is the greatest approach to avoiding bedsores. If you cannot move, your caretaker should assist you in repositioning every 2 hours in a bed or 15 minutes in a chair if you are seated. If you cannot move, pillows or foam wedges can help you transfer weight. Range-of-motion exercises can help you avoid contractures, increase circulation, and keep your joints, mobility, and muscle mass in good shape.

On the other hand, the skin should be examined and cleaned regularly. It helps keep it dry and clean to avoid infection and any sores. Wash the affected skin gently with plain water or a tiny amount of mild soap and water, using as little force and friction as possible. Soap strips the skin of its natural protective oils, and the cleansing activity can irritate tissues that are already damaged. Afterwards, apply a tiny layer of moisturizing lotion to the inflamed area or bony prominence, stroking lightly around rather than over it.

However, tossing and turning a bedridden patient every two hours can be overwhelming. It is a task to keep small things in mind for a bedridden patient. For this, one must have a medical air mattress to make life easier. 

How does The Best Anti-decubitus Air Mattress Help? 

In many circumstances, using a proper medical gadget can significantly impact our loved ones' quality of life. When we consider the elderly or persons with disabilities or illnesses that require them to spend a lot of time in bed, we cannot overlook the benefits of using an Anti-decubitus mattress and a proper bed frame. 

Anti-decubitus mattresses are medical devices that prevent wounds from developing due to friction or rubbing. It supports the head and body while redistributing a person's weight, reducing the pressure exerted on any particular body surface. 

The best Anti-decubitus mattress has the following features -

  • Adjusting the pressure according to the patient's weight
  • Lightweight and compact in nature
  • Provides comfort at all levels without any compromise
  • With adequate durable softness and elasticity 
  • Having even support and weight displacement

Dr Amgenic's air mattress fits all the requirements one looks for while buying an Anti-decubitus air mattress. This mattress minimizes the pressure so the patient can rest comfortably for long hours without worrying about developing decubitus ulcers. It has excellent efficiency and is highly reliable to use. 

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