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Nutritional tips for senior citizens

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Nutritional tips for senior citizens

As you become older, your lifestyle in your younger years calls for a slight difference. With age, the definition of a healthy diet also changes a bit. You need to adjust according to your body's needs and go for healthy ageing.  To meet your body's needs in old age demands attention to eating habits like appropriate quantity, nutrition value and what to avoid. Even the slightest deviation can irritate and cause a long term impact. Let us know more about this in detail to improve one's diet.  What to eat? It's advisable to pay attention to different food and drinks...

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How to stay healthy as a working woman

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How to stay healthy as a working woman

When you lead a busy life, it gets easier to lose track of the time you make for yourself. Modern life quickly means busy life. It's all about making money, having personal goals, fulfilling your professional aspirations, keeping in touch with friends and family, and sometimes even relaxing. Ladies are known as "superwomen" cause people expect them to do everything, whether helping your teen with homework, being the official team manager or making unique dishes for the family.  Women are constantly juggling responsibilities. With always living life for other people and keeping them happy, women often forget to care for...

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