
PCOS and Pregnancy 

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PCOS and Pregnancy 

PCOS is a common hormonal condition in women of reproductive age. It is one of the most common reasons for a woman to have trouble getting pregnant. They have a higher risk of having complications during pregnancy. Treating PCOS is not difficult; one can manage PCOS symptoms and have a healthy pregnancy with a healthy baby. To treat PCOS, you need to understand what it is, how to diagnose it and how it affects your health. Lifestyle changes and focusing on yourself should be a priority. With the right doctor by your side, one needs to not worry about not...

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Mattress for a healthy sleep

Mattress for a healthy sleep

In old age, people often experience changes in their sleeping patterns. Troubled sleep becomes a part of their night and they often wake up feeling tired and lethargic. Many factors ranging from the medication side effects or chronic pain to tossing and turning the whole night can be the reason for a senior citizen to have a sleepless night.  Primarily bedridden senior citizens also face daily challenges of not being able to live their life like an average person. A night of troubled sleep is not something that a bedridden person dreams of having. But this great feeling can turn...

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Old age, Dementia, and Incontinence

Old age, Dementia, and Incontinence

Old age, Dementia, and Incontinence Old age brings with it several inconveniences and major bodily changes. The human body loses its efficiency to perform daily tasks little by little with advancing age. In this sedentary lifestyle, there are far less physical activity and movement hence even fewer ways to keep the body mobile. Emerging diseases can sometimes be a challenge to manage and the hindrances caused could pose a serious obstacle. Diseases like dementia and incontinence are faced by elderly people which majorly affect their ability to perform daily activities. Not only do these diseases cause physical hardships, but they...

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Steam Vaporizer

Steam Vaporizer

Steam Vaporizer  A steam vaporizer is widely known as steam therapy that gives warm and humid mist that is easily absorbed by the nostrils. It helps in relieving respiratory conditions such as congestion, blocked nasal passages, asthma, common cold, and even nose-related issues.  Steam inhalation is not something that cures the infection of cold and cough, but It provides instant relief from cough, cold, and allergies. It clears your nasal passages while your body is fighting off the infection. Steam inhalation is a home remedy and can be treated as a priority treatment for various cold-cough infections.  When should I...

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How to stay healthy as a working woman

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How to stay healthy as a working woman

When you lead a busy life, it gets easier to lose track of the time you make for yourself. Modern life quickly means busy life. It's all about making money, having personal goals, fulfilling your professional aspirations, keeping in touch with friends and family, and sometimes even relaxing. Ladies are known as "superwomen" cause people expect them to do everything, whether helping your teen with homework, being the official team manager or making unique dishes for the family.  Women are constantly juggling responsibilities. With always living life for other people and keeping them happy, women often forget to care for...

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